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Commercial Asbestos Abatement – Removing an Unseen Hazard

Commercial Asbestos Abatement

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring, fibrous mineral that was used as a building material between the 1950s and 1980s. Mined in countries such as Russia, Brazil, South Africa, and China, asbestos fibers were woven into fabrics or mixed in cement and used all around the world. Chrysotile, the fibrous form of the mineral serpentine, is the best-known type and accounts for about 95 percent of all asbestos in commercial use.

Why is Asbestos Useable in Commercial Buildings?

The asbestos fibers provided strength without undue weight, making it ideal for commercial structures such as schools, churches, and large industrial facilities. The insulating and fire-resistant properties of asbestos contributed to the popularity of asbestos in commercial building materials.

What are the Hazards of Asbestos?

Asbestos poses a negligible threat such as during a commercial property renovation because the fiber particles become airborne. These particles cause lung irritation resulting to pulmonary disease. Asbestos has been identified as a human carcinogen and the cause of mesothelioma disease for those who were exposed. You can learn more about exposure effects at

Where is Asbestos in Commercial Structures?

Asbestos is usually present in structures prior to 1980.  The most common building materials that contain asbestos fibers are:

  • Floor tiles and adhesives
  • Ceiling tiles
  • Roofing shingles, flashing, and adhesives
  • Insulation (around boilers, ducts, pipes, sheeting, fireplaces)
  • Cement including pipe cement, and joint compound

What Are the Risks of Asbestos in Commercial Building?

When the asbestos-containing building materials are undisturbed, the risk is negligible. However, when the asbestos is moving during a renovation, maintenance, or repair project, asbestos poses health threats to:

  • Occupants including staff and public visitors
  • Plumbing and HVAC contractors
  • Roofing and Siding contractors
  • Demolition crews
  • Flooring installers
  • Remodeling and construction contractors

What If You Suspect Asbestos in a Commercial Building?

It is often impossible to tell whether asbestos is in a material, as the fibers are too small to see with the bare eye. therefore, thorough testing is a requirement to ensure your building is asbestos-free.

Compleat Environmental Services have the license and certification for commercial asbestos abatement and will perform an asbestos inspection for your project and provide a detailed estimate for the asbestos removal in your facility. Before your project begins, Compleat Environmental will submit the required asbestos abatement notification to the PA  Department of Environmental Protection Agency as required. The project will include setting up the proper containment and creating negative airspace in the abatement area.

Our licensed professionals will use appropriate safety gear, and proper equipment and protect your staff, customers, and occupants during the abatement process as mandated. When the project is under completion, we transport and discard asbestos waste and debris in an environmentally responsible manner according to laws and regulations.

If you have further inquiries about commercial asbestos abatement, feel free to reach out to us here.