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Answered: Your Most Burning Questions About Water Damage Restoration

Water Damage Restoration

Unfortunately, you need water damage clean-up.  First, we’re sorry for your property water damage. Moving on, it’s important that you know you’re not alone. Here are some of your Most Burning Questions About Water Damage Restoration. You’re about to go on a journey with a team of experienced restoration technicians. We promise you’ll find compassionate […]

Why Me? Why Now? Why Again?

On January 10, 2017, Compleat Restorations responded to a vaguely familiar water loss on an evening when icy roads seemed to make the notion of an emergency response almost impossible. A hotel in northern Harrisburg had the worst kind of disaster any manager can imagine. A sprinkler pipe had frozen and burst on the top […]

What should I do in the event of water or flood damage?

water and flood damage

Water and flood damage arises from fire damage, broken pipes, blocked drains, malfunctioning appliances, storms, and other causes. The appropriate treatment depends on the nature of the damage. Some water carries contaminate and should be considered hazardous. Whatever the origin, the prospects for restoration depend largely on the speed with which your building and personal […]