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Restoring Your Life.

Flood Insurance: I’m Covered … Right?

You believe your insurance policy has you covered in the event of water flood damage, right? Not so fast; all is not as it seems. Flood insurance coverage is easily one of the most misunderstood claims in the industry. It comes down to two questions: What defines a flood? What defines the coverage? Flood coverage … Continued

Who’s Who in a Property Loss Claim?

Ask anyone who has ever had to file a claim for property damage today. Ask them how simple filing the claim is and you are bound to get a variety of answers.  Many will tell you that it becomes confusing at times. Understanding the insurance policy is daunting in and of itself. Mainly there are … Continued

Case Study: Three Myths About Renter’s Insurance

It can be a good feeling to get through life with confidence. Confidence that nothing bad will happen unexpectedly to you.  That’s also the dilemma that the insurance companies work hard to overcome to provide adequate coverage in the market. It’s also the reality I face every day as a property restoration professional.  The value … Continued