When to Get Professional Mold Removal
Mold is a dangerous toxin that can affect your home’s air quality. It might be present in your home and could be affecting you, even if even actual mold isn’t visible. It can negatively impact your quality of life if you don’t get professional mold removal. What is Mold? Mold is a type of fungus […]
Mold and Mildew: Simple Moisture Fix or Serious Problem?
Regardless of the season, you can probably think of at least one time where it was cool and damp on a summer day, or heavy and humid outside during autumn. These are precisely the types of reasons that make black mold removal and prevention top priorities. One general rule of thumb to keep front and […]
Tips For Detecting Mold
Let’s talk about mold. More specifically, let’s talk about some important ways to detect it in your home. Believe it or not, mold could be present in your house without you even realizing it, so it’s crucial to know how to properly identify it. Luckily, there are quite a few easy-to-spot signs that you’ve got […]
Top 10 Places Mold Likes to Hide
Mold is sneaky, and it might be lurking in your house in some unexpected places. Here are 10 of the most common spots that you may find mold hiding in your home. 1. Windows and Window Sills Mold grows where there’s moisture, and windows are a likely culprit due to all the dampness they are […]
M.O.L.D.: 4 Tips For Detecting Mold
Mold is certainly proving itself to be a long trending hot topic today. There are many reasons why this is so. Health concerns, real estate transactions, and general media buzz have the public asking questions such as, “Do I have mold?” and “How bad is it?” Many people want to get a basic idea of […]
What should I do in the event of mold damage?
Mold is potentially harmful depending upon the age and health of the persons exposed to mold, and the type and quantity of mold present. Above all, mold exists everywhere in nature, but it grows indoors due to high humidity and water intrusion. So how are you going to deal with mold damage? Do. . . […]